Saturday, September 09, 2006


Fighting for a lost cause is a foolish thing to do. Call me stupid, but I totally fail to understand the purpose of the Afghan mission other than to please the Bushies in Washington. Our soldiers are being killed by the dozens, and why? Is it to "bring democracy"? A fantasy at best. Is it to rebuild the country? If so, we're not doing it. Democracy can only exist in a population acclimated to it and it is hopeless in a land of warlords and religious nut-cakes. So, you may ask, what is the solution, wise guy? I confess that I don't know, but withdrawing our troops would be a good start. And it would also help if we abandon the idea that we, as a "civilized" country, know what's best for other countries, especially those with a culture we don't understand.

Stephen Harper came to power as the result of a Liberal financial scandal. The Liberals fully deserved to lose but look at what it left us - a neo-con government that toes the Washington line. Canadians don't share these values so there is hope for the next election if the Liberals get their shit together and Jack Layton and his NDP direct their attacks at the Conservatives instead of trying to supplant the Liberals as official opposition, which is also a lost cause. Layton has lost my vote.

What must the world think of Canada?


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