Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Fart in a Windstorm

Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski made some very crude comments about homosexuals about 20 years ago on a tape which the Saskatchewan NDP stumbled across recently. One comment was "faggots with dirt on their fingernails which transmit diseases". The federal NDP and Liberals are running with this and demanding a resignation, etc. Blather, blather, blather. Stephen Harper says that a proper and sincere apology has been made and it should be accepted as such.
Please God, don't strike me dead, but in this case I agree with Harper. Lukiwski was a very young man at the time. I can recall friends of my youth having similar views and I'm sure those friends today would find such views repulsive. It was commonly felt that "homos" were unnatural, immoral, dirty and so on. There was fear of infection, they might try to lead us into "sin". As far as I can tell from the evidence, homosexuals are mostly born that way due to some brain chemistry. We have seen that many gays are outstanding citizens with decent morals, they can get elected to Parliament and occupy other important functions without having to disavow their sexual orientation.

So why don't the Liberals and NDP stop trying to score political points on this issue and get on with the nation's business?


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