Saturday, November 29, 2008

It seems that my previous post (see below) was premature. Or maybe someone in Ottawa read it (yeah, sure) and decided on something better. The three opposition parties left no doubt that they mean to defeat the government and propose a coalition. Stephen Harper reacted quickly by cancelling Opposition Day on Monday and putting off his economic statement for a week. Just which side will benefit from this delay remains to be seen.

Harper might have won a majority in the recent election had he not alienated Quebec voters with his cultural funding cuts and stiff penalties for youthful offenders, which shows just how little he understands the Québecois. Now he appears to have shot himself in the foot with his proposal to eliminate funding to political parties based on how many votes they get. ($1.95 per vote) It would cripple the opposition parties but not the Conservatives, who can count on friends with deep pockets. This sleazy move resulted in great anger, and not only from the parties concerned. Is Harper not, as the British would put it, too clever by half?

This will be fun to watch.


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