Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New York Yankees

The Yankees have been eliminated from the playoffs. Good!! I'm glad. It's not because I dislike the players; quite the contrary - I admire them and enjoy watching them play. It's just that the Yankees have such an unfair advantage over the other teams because of their seemingless unlimited funds. They can go out and buy the best players and keep the ones they have. What team will outbid them for the services of Derek Jeter? I don't think any of the other teams are in danger of going bankrupt, but they just don't rate, money wise.
It's a well known law of nature that the strong will beat up on the weak, that the rich will get richer and the poor poorer. The meek shall inherit nothing, despite the pronouncement of a well known historic figure.
So what would I do if I were Commissioner of Baseball? Ha Ha!! I would distribute some of these superstars to other teams. Oh, I'd let them keep some, I'm not that mean. And then I would have TV revenue from all locations distributed evenly to all teams. Gate receipts would be left to the teams as an inducement to improve themselves. We hear a lot about level playing fields. So let's do some leveling.


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