Saturday, December 31, 2005

Toronto Shootings

The response of our major politicians to the U.S.- style gunplay in downtown Toronto this week, in which one girl was killed and several other bystanders were wounded, one critically, was predictable. Prime Minister Martin wants to ban handguns! Sure. Let's ban pot and cocaine while we're at it. Brilliant, Paul. Nothing to do with the election, huh? Harper, meanwhile, brings out the old Conservative cure-all, tougher sentencing. We all know that criminals think very carefully about how long they'll be incarcerated if they're caught. Let's see now, 3 years? It's worth the risk. 7 years? Nah, forget it. Get real, guys! Law breakers go on the theory that they won't be caught. Some don't even care, and others enjoy the thrill of living on the edge.
So who's addressing the real problem, which has a lot to do with social conditions, poverty and such? If you find out, let me know.


Blogger Mike said...

pretty typical of politicions. Take a stance, but not one that will disrupt the status quoe too much. Because you're really just trying to make yourself look good, rather than do any real work.

I didn't quit the adsense, I just moved the ad to the side of my page. Maybe it's better to have it in a more visable area? And I made almost $20 since I got it! They still haven't sent a check though.

6:26 PM, January 05, 2006  

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