Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pope Calls For Peace

How often have we heard it? Every Easter, every Christmas, every suitable occasion the call goes out from the Vatican to the world leaders and the public to work toward, and pray for, peace. The message is carefully worded not to offend anyone, especially those who are most responsible for the atrocities that we all know too well. Who listens? Judging from the results so far, no one listens other than humble and pious folk who contribute their prayers.

There is an anecdote about Stalin. He was planning some strategy or other when one of his advisers asked him to consider what the Pope might have to say about it. His famous reply: "How many divisions has the Pope?" Indeed he has none and that's all that matters to Bush, Putin, Blair and the rest of them.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Religious Fervour or Masochism?

Every year on Good Friday we hear, and see pictures of, people being nailed to crosses and being flagellated, presumably to atone for their sins and prove their devotion. It makes me sick.

To my mind, these people are masochists and, in this world of ours there is always a sadist for every masochist, willing to lend support by driving in the nails and laying on the whip. Religion my arse.

Why does the Pope not condemn this sickness?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Democracy in Palestine

So Hamas gets elected. I haven't heard that the results were contested. George Bush has been championing democracy in the Middle East. So Bush and the rest of the western nations will have nothing to do with democratically elected Hamas. They will impose severe sanctions hoping to make things so bad for the Palestinians that they will change their minds about their choice. What message does this send to the Arab world?

Ok, so Hamas has not been very nice through the years. They are classed as terrorists. They refuse to accept the existence of Israel. It has been suggested that the Palestinians, frustrated and disgusted with the corruption of Fatah, cast a protest vote which got out of hand. Poor Palestine!

Meanwhile, Arabs will be wondering why the western champions of democracy condemn a democratic result.