Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I finally had my lumbar puncture, Oct. 7, and immediarely afterward was able to walk normally. This lasted until the return to Summerside but not the next couple of days when I was back to my ataxic gait. The fluid was analysed and nothing untoward was found.
Now, two weeks later, for some reason, I seem to be walking normally. Not 100% but maybe 95%. Who knows why? I return to see my neurologist Nov. 2 and I'll have many questions for him. He anticipated my seeing a neurosurgeon in Moncton - the solution is to put a shunt from my brain to my stomach, a risky operation at best, to drain off excess fluid. I want no part of it. I can live with my present condition even if the ataxic gait returns. If it gets worse I'll deal with it then. So, once again, stay tuned.


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