Sunday, July 23, 2006

Israeli - Hezballah - Palestinian Conflict

Israelis have received great sympathy and goodwill from the people of the "western" nations since 1945. For years the horrors of the holocaust, the slaughter in the Warsaw ghetto, the refugees refused entry by the western nations early in the war, the fate of Anne Frank, have been impressed on our minds. Countless books and TV shows have covered these dreadful events and we felt, and still feel, revulsion. But the worm turns. I get the feeling that the said sympathy and goodwill is fading.

So many times in history the oppressed become the oppressors. In Gaza, the west bank and now in Lebanon, the Israelis are reacting savagely to attacks from extremist elements. There is grave doubt that the Lebanese government has any control over Hezballah, yet the Israeli military is bombing the infrastructure, the power stations, the airports and killing thousands of innocent people. We understand their anger, but given the strong support of the disgusting Bush administration and now his Canadian lapdog Stephen Harper, there is little reason for them to seek accomodation of any kind. Who's going to stop them? Certainly not Kofi Annan or the Pope.
How can one have hope in humanity?