Sunday, October 08, 2006

Why our troops die

Stephen Harper tells us that the deaths of Canadian troops in Afghanistan is the price we have to pay so that Canada can assume a leadership role in the world.

Huh? Did I hear him correctly? Leadership role, right? Ok, but why? Is Harper seeking vainglory, like the French? La gloire?

If we attempt to lead, who will follow? A leader must have some one or something to lead. We don't have followers. The leader is the U.S. Harper would have us stand shoulder to shoulder with Uncle Sam despite the fact that our shoulder doesn't quite measure up to his. Policy is going to be determined by the Americans and our voice will not be heard if we differ. Our advice will be politely listened to and ignored. Ask Tony Blair about that.

So this "leadership role" is actually a followership role. One to die for.


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