Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Politics, American Style, as Entertainment

Senators Clinton and Obama are going at it hot and heavy. Obama has said something to the effect that because of hard economic times, many of those affected in the states where mill closings have taken a heavy toll are frustrated and angry and are liable to vent on such issues as abortion, gun control, religion, etc. These remarks are costing him, although they may hit the nail on the head. Republicans are delighted and Clinton is calling him elitist, which is a cheap shot. Attempting to lure some of the yahoos who are not too happy with the "moderate" McCain, she is depicting herself as much of a church-going and gun-toting person as any loyal American. Both she and Obama claim to find strength in their faith. All this is very sad, but it resonates in a country where a majority, almost, voted for Bush-Cheney, twice.

Obama is on the defensive, which is a sure way to lose. Unless he goes on the offensive and hammers Clinton on her support for the war and whatever else he can come up with, he's in trouble. The Pennsylvania primary is next week - he doesn't have much time. Clinton is gaining a reputation as a fighter, which she brags about, and many, maybe most, Americans don't care if a person fights fairly or not, winning is everything. I'll be watching next Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Agree with You on your Politics, American Style, as Entertainment' post, And Unless Obama goes on the offensive and hammers Clinton on her support for the war and all the lies She and her Husband tell, He will lose, When I first heard about Hillary running under sniper fire that it never took place, I thought to myself that she might be so tired that she would get mixed up and say, I Did Not Have Sex with that Sniper, And then come back and say wait a minute, That Was My Husbands Lie, I didn't inhale, Oops, Oh I was tired and couldn't remember if I was under sniper fire or not, The Problem we have in America today is as You were saying, There is no such thing as a fair fight anymore and they will say or do anything to get public support, And then the Media picks up on one issue that doesn't amount to a hill of beans and show it over and over until it becomes the most important issue that we face as American People,

When anyone, It doesn't matter who they are will stand and tell a flat out lie like its the truth and smile and act like they are reliving an incident as they tell the story as Hillary Clinton did when she told the Story about being under sniper fire and ducking down running to the car that was waiting for her, And then it comes on the News showing as she walked off the plane with all the calm around her and people smiling and waving, And She goes and shakes hands and Smiles and waves at the crowd, I have to ask myself what else has this person lied about to the American People,

And if they could even be trusted to work in a hardware store, Well if she worked for Me, She would be Fired!

As You can see I have Very Strong Opinions of where we are today, And where we're headed on my blog http://bush-clinton.blogspot.com
And Feel Free to Post Your Comments!

7:21 AM, April 16, 2008  
Blogger puzzled said...

Thanks for your comment, Max, I'll check out your blog.

1:57 PM, April 18, 2008  

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