Monday, August 11, 2008

White House Hypocrisy

The Chinese have told George Bush to mind his own business after he criticized their human rights record. Good for them. To be sure, China's regime is brutal and repressive and has no qualms about executing troublesome people, but where does the White House Creep get the audacity and gall to be so hypocritical when his own regime has launched the obscenity of Iraq where hundreds of thousands have died, are responsible for such atrocities as Abu Graib and Guantanamo Bay, who not only condone torture but encourage it on the feeble excuse that in order to secure terrorist information, the end justifies the means. Would Dick Cheney care to experience water boarding, which he apparently advocates, to see what it's like? But then Bush tells us that's not torture, because America doesn't torture.

One is led to wonder how a democracy can choose such a cabal of criminals to govern them. A clue to that mystery was revealed this week. Barack Obama's nine point lead over John McCain was wiped out after a series of attack ads was launched by the McCain campaign. These ads were apparently aimed at rednecks. That's how elections are won, by appealing to the lowest common denominator. We get the goverment we deserve, we are told. But who is this "we"? Count me out.


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