Monday, August 03, 2009

Karlheinz Schreiber is in a German jail tonight and I feel sorry for the guy. Not that I approve of what he did by bringing European money to influence Canadian politics, namely to elect Brian Mulroney as leader of the Progressive Conservative Party. (Mulroney deserves censure for that, which to my mind is close to treason.) Can you imagine the clamour if American money was used to elect one of our party leaders? And no doubt Schreiber dealt in unsavoury ways in both Canada and Germany, with the result that he will probably die in jail - the Germans don't appear to be forgiving. I hope the news media will continue to follow the case, as it will be interesting to see what twists and turns he will attempt and how many people he will try to implicate. Or will he simply give up?

It was good entertainment while it lasted, and he certainly presented a more appealing personality and drew more sympathy than Mulroney, who obfuscated at great tiresome length. He answered questions briefly and directly, even if he didn't volunteer more than he had to. It was a good act.

He was front and center in a world of bribes and fraud, and he taught us how business is conducted on an international scale.
Nonetheless, I wish he had been allowed to live out his life in Canada, but the law is the law and extradition treaties must be honoured. Pity.


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