Thursday, November 05, 2009

The Yankees have won the World Series. Again. Yawn.

I'm not as much a baseball fan as I used to be. This team wins because they are loaded with money and are able to buy the best players. They pay Alex Rodriguez $27.5 million/yr. for the next ten years. Meanwhile the total payroll of the Florida Marlins for 2009 is $36.8 mil. This is called sport?

In reality, it doesn't matter, because I and everyone else are not affected financially or otherwise, as long as we're not betting people. But it's a fascinating game. There is the mental game between pitcher and batter as to whether the next pitch will be a fast ball, curve, slider or whatever.
There is insight into the characters of the rivals. Some players have a better batting average in critical situations; others tend to freeze with runners on base. Some outfielders know immediately where a ball is headed even as the batter swings. Infielders pull off unbelievable plays.
There is also a mental game between the pitcher and a threatening base stealer taking a lead off first base. The catcher and the batter are also in on this action. As I say, fascinating; I study the game and the players.

However, I didn't see much of the playoffs; an inning or two here and there. I was satisfied to see the results in the morning. Somehow the sheer commercialism of it all dims my enthusiasm. Then there is the singing of God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch, hands over heart, heads bowed. Give me a break!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Further on the swine flu madness, here is an
article well worth reading. Check it out.

In my blurb of August 1, I spoke of Obama's delusional belief in bipartisanship with the Republicans, who mostly want no part of it. They, along with a number of Congressional Democrats, are doing all they can to rebuff the President on health care and other issues.

This week saw Republican victories for governor in Virginia and New Jersey, and the jackals are circling, encouraged by the likes of Sarah Palin, the idiot du jour.

The President is slipping, although it is not thought too serious as yet. In my humble opinion, he should attack, announce "no more nice guy", and give it to them with both barrels. He is losing the independent voter and the young are dropping out. After all, troops would sooner follow a fighting leader than a compromising one.