Saturday, December 19, 2009

Where is Iggy?

The leader of the Liberal Party of Canada has been nowhere to be seen lately. He seemed to be leaving the opposition role to Jack Layton who is at the Copenhagen conference being interviewed left and right and getting lots of TV time. Iggy has been licking his wounds, according to an interview he gave yesterday, from the dreadful performance he put on this fall, calling for an election at all costs without telling us why, or what policies he favoured. He has learned from his mistakes and promises to do better.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives are being harassed over the Afghan detainee torture allegations and are not coming off too well. They prorogued Parliament hoping the issue would cool off. Also, Harper's foot dragging on the climate change issue is hurting him, along with Canada's reputation abroad. Defeating him would be a slam dunk for a strong opposition leader. (Where is Chretien when we need him?) Ignatieff better start running fast if he wants to overtake Layton, let alone the Prime Minister.


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