Friday, September 04, 2009

There he goes again. As I noted on my last posting, the majority of Canadians wish Brian Mulroney would just button his lip and go away, but he won't. Now he's telling us that his little romance with the devious Karlheinz Schreiber will not tarnish his legacy. He only made errors in judgment. It was merely an error in judgment to accept hundreds of thousands of dollars in brown envelopes in hotel rooms. It was merely an error in judgment to only declare the income six years later, after he had been found out. He broke "no laws or ethical guidelines". Apparently it was all ethical and above-board. He also tells us that we all make mistakes which we regret in later life, which is true of course, but I never had the chance to accept huge amounts of cash from an international fixer, so what do I know? Here is the article. You will note that he takes a swipe at Stephen Harper toward the end of the article, for lowering the rate on the GST which, along with NAFTA is part of his glowing legacy. He was surprised that Harper did not see the recession coming. Really? Did Brian see it coming?


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