Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My lost slippers
I was looking for my slippers. They are usually by my Laz-y-boy in front of the TV in the rec room, but they weren't there. I must have left them by the daybed in my den. No, not there either. Perhaps the bathroom. Nope. I climbed to the main level and looked around, no luck. I must have left them in the bedroom, so up another level. You see, our house is a split level - four levels; there is a cellar (my wine cellar), then the rec (family) room, then the main level, finally the top level, the bedrooms. So I came down all the way to the cellar but no better luck. Up again to the main level and out to the garage, but no slippers there. For the next quarter hour or so, I travelled up and down several times and finally, exhausted, frustrated and angry, I slumped into my Laz-y-boy, reached for the lever to raise the footrest, put my feet up and took a few deep breaths, looked around the room. It was then that I found my slippers. They were on my feet!