Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cancer Island

2011 has not been kind to folks in our little city. Our neighbor to our left, age 56, has bone cancer and is in hospital on morphine to counteract the pain. We visited her yesterday and she was in top spirits. thanks to the morphine. She is still her old lively self.

Our other neighbor has prostate cancer, the bleeding kind. He's a gentle soul and is always ready to help with any difficulty. He carries on. Almost anyone we talk to has someone close to them with cancer. It's an epidemic.

Prince Edward Island is famous for it's potatoes. A great amount of herbicides and other chemicals are used. While we cannot lawfully spray our lawns, the farmers can go full tilt. The effect on humans has "not been proven". Oh well.

Where does that leave me? I've just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, It is the "slow kind" and with treatment, including pills and an injection every three months I should live another 20 years. That gives me lots of time to die of other causes. I'm told that Nelson Mandela has the same cancer as I, getting the same treatment as I and is pushing 100 years old. I will die with cancer not of it. Ok, I'm agreeable.