Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gun Control

The gun control debate never ends. Some folks opposed to control are fond of quoting the old tired and tiresome NRA mantra "guns don't kill people, people kill people". Well ok, let's admit that people kill people. With guns. Another argument seems to be that a killer would otherwise use a knife or other weapon. But you can run from a knife. Even if the attacker can run faster at least you have a chance. As to whether the murder or crime rate goes down where there are strict controls is hotly contested, each side quoting statistics or factoids to support its cause.

A recent report caught my eye. In Australia, in the fifteen years prior to 1996, there had been 13 mass shootings. The toll was 104 dead and 52 wounded. The 13th claimed 35 dead and 18 wounded. Days later, the federal and state governments passed laws banning semiautomatic and pump action shotguns and rifles. The federal government funded a buyback program and 700,000 guns were surrendered.

No mass shooting has occured since. There has been a dramatic decrease in shooting deaths.

An interesting twist to this story is that Prime Minister John Howard, an archconservative if ever there was one, is chiefly responsible for thes laws. As a rule, liberals favour strict controls and conservatives don't. So, here's to you Mr. Howard, for breaking the mold.


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