Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nation Living in Fear

In 2004, the Canadian Mint turned out a number of quarters imprinted with a red poppy to commemorate our war dead. It was the world's first colourized coin. Lo and behold, it led to an international flap.

The U.S. Defense Security Service issued a sensational warning that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were found planted on U.S. defense contractors traveling in Canada, on three different occasions. They were puzzled because a power source was not evident. The coins were examined under high-power microscopes. It was thought the coins were meant to track the whereabouts of these contractors. The whole thing was too ridiculous for words and eventually the Americans, embarrassed, dropped it. Check the story here

I was wondering just who these contractors were. If they were so suspicious of being tracked, it would not surprise me if they were in the spook business themselves. How many of these characters are running around our country anyway? It reminded me of a cartoon that used to run in Mad magazine called Spy vs. Spy.
In this strip, the black spy was always trying to destroy the white spy, and vice versa, using all sorts of Rube Goldberg devices, booby traps, etc. They each took their turn winning.

Paranoia in the U.S. is running rampant. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. We are witnessing the peak of the American Empire. Could it also be the beginning of decline? Empires are most dangerous in their decline.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on

10:15 PM, June 10, 2007  

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