Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Merry Holiday Christmas

We hear a great deal these days about political correctness. Pious Christians fulminate about taking Christ out of Christmas and, although I am not religious, I tend to agree with them. The whole raison d'ĂȘtre for celebrating this day is, according to believers, the birth of Jesus, Son of God, in human form. If this is all malarkey to you, or if you're Muslim or Jewish or Sikh, then at least appreciate Christians for getting you a paid holiday. So,

Merry Christmas, everyone!! Peace and good will.


Blogger Mike said...

As a non-christian, I get sick of Jesus being shoved down my throat all the time. But I agree this time of year is waaaaay too commercial.

6:33 AM, December 24, 2007  
Blogger puzzled said...

Well, Mike, I don't mind people talking about Jesus and peace and goodwill, but the commercialism is something else. Sad to say, and according to economists, our Western economy would collapse without it.

4:26 AM, December 26, 2007  

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