Monday, December 03, 2007

A Tango for Three

This past week's entertainment was enhanced, can you imagine, by a parliamentary committee session. The star witness was the reputed international crook swindler businessman wheeler dealer friend of people in high places, Karlheinz Schrieber. This gentleman has had a falling out with his erstwhile friend Brian Mulroney over a matter of 300,ooo dollars, and I suspect there's more to it than that.

Watching the proceedings, I began to feel a certain sympathy with Karlheinz, and he seemed like a guy you could warm up to. I wouldn't buy a used car from the guy and I'd hide the spoons, but he'd be good company, I'm sure. Shrewd, and always calculating, like a fox, watching for the main chance to bargain his way out of being deported to Germany where he's wanted for fraud and corruption and what-not. It seemed a bit much to drag him from jail in handcuffs and leg-irons; where would he run? That got my wife's sympathy - why do that to an old man?

The third dancer in this drama, Stephen Harper seems reluctant to tap a shoulder and join the fun. He might just have to abandon his old friend Brian for the greater good. There are others heading for the exits. Peter MacKay has piously informed us that he had warned his father Elmer to be "leery" of Schrieber. That lets him off the hook, I guess. Nothing like filial devotion. Now, Elmer MacKay has been around the block a few times, he was a so-so cabinet minister in Brian's government but under the previous Liberal reign of fond memory, he was a very effective opposition voice, perhaps the best. He'll be looking after himself.

Harper would love to get Karlheinz out of the country if he can make it look right. The Germans are managing to suppress their eagerness to get him back. Tomorrow the committee meets again. Stay tuned.

It's all very funny.


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