Sunday, December 16, 2007

Who's Lying?

Following Brian Mulroney's testimony before the House Ethics Committee, a poll was taken asking people if, in their opinion, either Mulroney or Karlheinz Schrieber was telling the truth. Brian scored 10% which is an F double minus in anyone's score book. Schrieber's 34% was hardly a passing grade but it's revealing in one aspect. This is my opinion now. Although people realized that Karlheinz only revealed what he wanted to and fudged many questions and left no doubt about his ethics, he did reveal the essential truth of the nature of international dealings between governments, large corporations and banks, and that is what really matters. Thank you, Karlheinz.

Would I like to meet either of these gentlemen? Let me put it this way. I wouldn't invest in a new welcome mat or bake a cake for either. If Brian showed up at my door, I would bolt it. As for Karlheinz, after first hiding my property deed and counting the spoons, I would let him in, sit him down, pour him a good cognac, and prepare to be entertained. He does seem to have a sense of humour, which is a saving grace. I would then hope not to be hauled before the Ethics committee.


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