Thursday, October 18, 2007

Oh Canada!

Weep for the Liberal Party of Canada, they seem to be imploding. Leader Dion is beset on all sides; important staffers and MPs are heading for the exits. Stephen Harper and his "new" Conservatives are gearing for a majority. Indeed, weep for Canada!

Dion is a good man. Obviously intelligent, knows his homework, good organizer. Excellent as a member of cabinet, but as leader or Prime Minister? His English is not good, he doesn't seem to have the fire and the panache of a Chrétien, that likable thug, for instance, who would demolish an opponent quickly if that person wasn't on his toes. Dion is too much the gentleman, a breed which doesn't seem to fit in politics. Pity. And then he is carrying the baggage of having been in cabinet during the sponsorship scandal and thus infuriating the Québecois.

Stephen Harper now has them over a barrel; his poll numbers improve by the day and he is daring them to vote no confidence and trigger an election. When asked if the challenge would be accepted, Ignatieff vacillated, hemmed and hawed and dithered. Dion then came out with it. They will not defeat the government because - get this - the people don't want another election. That's the reason? Who is he trying to kid? The Liberal Party doesn't want an election because they would lose. Grim days are ahead; the Afghan mission will be extended to 2011 at least, the environment will be sacrificed to the interests of big business, regressive legislation will be passed into law, and Harper will likely get his majority. If that's what the country wants, so be it.

I thought I would never say this, but here it is: I just don't care anymore.


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