Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Pennsylvania Tuesday

The much anticipated Democratic primary has come and gone and Hillary's win doesn't seem to have resolved anything.

I don't have a tendency to dislike people, but let me say upfront that I don't like Hillary Clinton, and not only for supporting Bush's war, echoing his "If you're not with us, you're against us". She has conducted a rather sleazy campaign. The New York Times has accused her of being mean, vacuous and desperate. According to reports, she has appealed to industrial workers who's jobs have disappeared due to, presumably, NAFTA. But her husband was responsible for bringing in that trade agreement. She reportedly was also supported by rural voters, Catholics, gun owners, women who would vote for anything feminine regardless of personality or policy, and church-goers. Hardly a progressive group. (As a Catholic child, I was told by the nuns that Jesus was exactly six feet tall. Think about that.) Obama, on the other hand, drew the support of the wealthy (read educated), the young, blacks and suburbanites. So we're told.

For years I have lamented the intelligence of the electorate. Does that make me an "elitist", as Hillary has accused Obama of being? Or is it simply that they normally don't vote as I do?

I share the fear of many Democrats that the continued sparring between these candidates will only benefit the Republicans, and that Hillary, who's mathematical chances of overtaking Obama's delegate lead is considered to be next to zero, should withdraw for the good of the Party and nation. Another Republican White House is not a happy conjecture. But Hillary places her personal ambition ahead of all that.

As a Canadian, I know what Washington policy can do to my country. And the world, for that matter. We live in hopes, but we can't do anything about it.


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