Saturday, January 31, 2009

The northern lights have seen strange sights, some even stranger than the cremation of Sam McGee. Take, for instance, that picture in the news of Stephen Harper's team sitting around a table, sleeves rolled up, pencils in hand. Harper has a TEAM!!! Of course, the cameras just happened to drop by, wandering aimlessly to see what was up, and it was only luck that copies of the names and duties and table positions of team members were piled on the table near the door. Oh, that Stevie, isn't he just a caution!! Then we see Stevie doing useful work with a nail gun. Mike Holmes' helper. What will he morph into next? You thought the sweater vest was somethin', ya ain't seen nuttin' yet. He's such a scream.

Prior to all this, he came up with a budget that would make a socialist swell with pride, throwing aside his long held convictions. We'll be in deep deficit for five years, but this will help to get us out of the recession/depression, whatever, as long as the Yanks fix their problem.

As for the team, they'd better not get too independent - Steve will be watching.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A foofaraw has been raised in the House of Commons concerning a school principal in New Brunswick who banned the singing of the national anthem by elementary students. A Conservative MP has called the action "political correctness gone wild". Other Conservative MPs are equally condemnatory.

I have several questions. First, how can the principal's decision be construed as political correctness? What is so politically correct about it? I just don't get the connection. Secondly, why are we hearing only from Conservatives who are big on patriotism? The other parties don't seem to be upset.

I have a profound distrust of patriots and flag wavers. Samuel Johnson famously said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. I love Canada as much as anyone, it's a great country, but how does singing a rather corny song accomplish anything? We'll always "stand on guard for thee", anthem or no anthem. I look askance at the indoctrination of small children. Should they not be taught that although we have a wonderful country, there are other good countries and great peoples out there? Get away from the "us and them" thinking. Anthems played at the Olympics glorify countries, many of which don't deserve it, instead of the athletes who do deserve the glory.

Patriotism has been the chant of those who champion our commitment to the Afghan war. The "support the troops" movement seems to me like a thinly disguised support for the war. Every soldier who is killed, whether from a landmine or falling off a truck is acclaimed a hero. I support the troops, but I'd like to see them come home. I've digressed from the main topic but it's all connected, is it not?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The economic outlook this morning is gloomier than ever. Everything is tanking. The price of crude is about $37 with analysts predicting it will go below $30 and perhaps even lower. If so, Alberta's economy will take a bad hit. If the price stays down for a prolonged period, what will this mean for motorists? Will the popularity of gas guzzlers return just when the Detroit Three (they used to be the Big Three) are hell bent on producing electric cars? Who will buy them when gas is 50ยข a liter? Already, sales of the Toyota Prius are down sharply. Great timing, Detroit!! Again.